“If We Could Get Deals With The Rights Holders, We Could Skip Right Past The YouTube Phase Of User-generated Content And Focus On The High End Stuff First,” He Says
“If we could get deals with the rights holders, we could skip right past the YouTube phase of user-generated content and focus on the high end stuff first,” he says ... HERE
If we could get deals with the rights holders, we could skip right past the YouTube phase of user-generated content and focus on the high end stuff first, he says... https://another-antivista-microsoft-post-fromcnet-63.peatix.com/view
According to Chung, it was all just a misunderstanding. Tumblr had this historical PTSD of people ripping off artists, he says. There were these... https://lanpemoure.over-blog.com/2021/03/Official-Samsung-Galaxy-S5-SMG900R4-US-Cellular-Stock-Rom.html
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